Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Home: Julia vs Georgia, THE ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN

"JULIA THINKS SHE'S BETTER THAN MEEEEEEE!!!!" Georgia screams as she enters the arena for what will be the final battle.

The lights dims and smoke begins to filter through the crowd. Music starts, and soon strobes begin flashing vigorously, causing a few young children in the crowd to have seizures. Then the words filled with only truth rang out through the packed building.

"I AM BETTER THAN GEORGIAAAAAAA!!!!" The she devil named Julia called out. Their eyes met, and lightning flash between their gazes.

This is what what happened when I looked up "heated gaze" so let's just pretend 
that I am the guy spitting fire out of his sick ass third eye."

When the ref tells them to shake hands. Georgia being the good sport that she totally is, reaches her hand out towards the damon in front of her. But Julia being the egg that she is, refused to touch what she thought to be the "hands of an idiot." The ref readied the bell, the two reached for their chairs. At the sound of the bell the two whipped out chairs to seemingly smash each other to a pulp with. But then the opened them and slammed them on the ground, through themselves into them, and locked eyes once again. The final showdown had begun.

Home can mean many different things to many different people. Julia's just happens to be wrong. She goes on and one about this "home is a place," crap. I call bullshit. "Oh my home is at this camp that I have gone to for years, blah blah BLAH!" No Julia, no. That is what you may think but it is all a lie! Home is nearly a concept made up by the feeble human mind, and you too, who I once thought to be a formable opponent, have fallen into the trap.

Home is safety, HOME IS POWEEEEEEEEEER! She even has the audacity to end if off being all innocent and trying to be open, with this "home can be different to everyone" crap. NO JULIA THAT IS NOT HOW LIFE WORKS. IF YOU DON'T FEEL THE SAME AS YOUR SUPREME LEADER (me), THEN YOU ARE WRONG AND WILL BE SENT TO MY DUNGEON OF SUBMISSION!

As Georgia laid these points out, the crowd went quite. Julia, the master, was being broken down brick by brick. The evil Georgia was about to claim her victory! But just as Georgia was about to land the final blow, Julia made one last plea. "Georgia," she gasped, "why must we fight? Why can't we have our own views and live in harmony?" Georgia stopped, manly sweat immolating from her eyes, the crowed was in awe, had Julia actually gotten through to her? Georgia's heart grew 10x that day...

And then promptly blew up form being too big and then their was nothing. She leaned down near Julia and said,

"We can't, dear Julia, because..." Her mouth turned up into an evil smirk, "You. Are. Wrong."

Screams erupted from the crowd Julia fell to the ground deleted, Georgia was now king of this castle.

Okay but real talk? Julia isn't wrong. Conceptions of different ideas should be different to everyone. They are very personal. After all, if they were all the same then I would never have been able to write these awesome blog posts.

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