Tuesday, May 24, 2016

APs are Bull

So as many people have done by now, I just took my AP exam on the 12th. And I think I leaned a lot from taking the exam and the class. Now this post is going to be a very personal opinion of APs, so if you don't agree then good for you, this is just me.

So first off, the class. I took AP world, and I am sorry, I love DMAC as a person, but for me, I learned  almost nothing. I am not saying that I did't learn anything but I don't think that I learned enough for an AP class. I am pretty sure that the kids that take regular history have learned more than me. I don't think its that my teacher is a bad teacher, I just think that for the majority of my classmates and me, his teaching style just doesn't work for us. Having my teacher stand up there and lecture me without giving me either a note sheets, or writing what we need to know on the board just don't help me learn.  I know that if any teacher hears me say that, "Well that is what your teachers in college will do, so get used to it." Okay fine, I understand that, but you saying that is not going to help get better at learning via lecture. Anyways, moving on.

So now the real bulk of this post, the exam and APs themselves. So first off, the AP is freaking long. I have extra time to it was super freaking long. The first section is multiple choice, for APWH it is 70 questions, and you get 55 minutes to answer them all. That is less than a minute per question. That is ridiculous that people can actually think that kids can do good work with such a time crunch. And if you're like me, I took all of my time on the multiple choice, all hour and a half of it. And even if you do get through all of the questions you still need to check them which arguably takes longer than actually answering the questions the first time. Plus there are defiantly some questions that I am almost positive didn't have an answer.

Like that one with the medieval village and Roman village lay out. WTF was that? Population? No. Christianity. No. Fortification. I don't think so. Architecture? Probs not. SO THEN WHAT IS IT?!?!?! Tbh I should have just answered E for that one.

The essay section was not that bad to be completely honest. The time was reasonable, and at least in this one, the topics weren't that hard. I think the worst part is having to write nonstop for like 120 minutes. Your hand falls off (but joke's on you suckers I got to type it. #extratime)

Now on to the the basis of APs itself. This where my real argument will start. APs don't even matter. So originally I am pretty sure that APs were created for a way for exceptional students to get a head start on college. By doing well in the corse and showing that on the exam, you would get rewarded a college credit so you wouldn't have to take some of those core classes your freshmen year. That's great. It's a good system. I like it. But that is not how it is anymore. Now you get a five on your statistics exam, well you are still gonna take it in college. I mean you aren't even required to list your scores on your applications! I mean come on, you're not fooling anyone! If you don't list your scores and colleges see that you took the class, then they will know that you did not do that well! Also, Canada takes them! CANADA THE HOME OF DMAC.

I think that the college board is conspiring with DMAC to send everyone to Canada for college. I AM ON TO YOU!

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