Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Overcoming My Fear of Origami + Tutorial!

So this post is going to need a background. So I know you all are thinking, Georgia, you're afraid of the ancient Japanese art of paper folding? Not so much am I afraid of origami itself, more that it surfaces memories that I would rather forget. So on the last day of school before winter break this year, we did origami in my math class. I had a ton of fun doing it so I decided that I was going to get some origami paper of my own and make more over break! The next day, the first day of break, I drove myself to AC Moore to buy some. I had had my provisional license for about one month by then so I was aloud to drive alone. I spent about 20 minutes in the store strategically picking out my paper and then drove home. When I was about 4 blocks from my house I got in wreck. Some of you that know me may know the details, I honestly don't want to talk about it here so I'll just leave it at it really wasn't my fault. So naturally every time I look at that paper on my desk I just have flashbacks of the wreck.

So todayt while I am trapped in my house due to Snowzilla I have decided to once and for all to destroy my fear of origami. I just went online and looked up instructions for easy folds to start since I had only done it once before. You would think that the first thing I would do is make a bird like a crane. Well I found one for a pelican and tried to do it but miserably failed so there will be no birds I apologize for that. But here is what I made! Enjoy.

So this is a picture of all of my stuff together I am sure you can't tell what any of it is so I'll post individual pictures next.

The first thing I decided to make was a little hat. This one is a Samurai Hat. It was super easy to make and maybe I'll try and make a big one out of news paper like I know that children in Japan do!

This next one is called a Happy Jacket. I believe that it is like a light coat that Japanese people wear to festivals in the summer. I decided to use the smaller more detailed paper that I had that had pretty Japanese patterns on it. I think it turned out pretty cute!

This one is a lantern. I didn't use a patterned piece of paper because I didn't want to waste a piece so now that I successfully made one, I'll make another one with the other paper. This was one of the more difficult ones to make because there was one step at the end that I didn't understand at first but once I figured it out it was pretty easy.

Here is a fan which is just as easy as it was when you made them in grade school. you just keep folding over small sections and you're done! I used a patented paper because I thought it would make it look more like a real fan.

I think that this one it the hardest one to see what it is. It is supposed to be a tea cup. But it's not like a tea cup that we are used to, there is no handle. It is an eastern asian tea cup. I think it's pretty with the patterned paper and it was pretty easy as well.

This last one is my new pride and joy, it was defiantly the most challenging of all the ones I made, but  it was really worth it! This is a Triangle Bowl. The folding itself wasn't hard it was just trying fit them all together. I ended up taping so of the pieces in place so it would't shift around.

So that is all the ones I made, but now I will show you all a tutorial for a drinking cup!

Step 1: start with a square piece of paper

Step 2: fold one corner to the other (idk why I put my phone in some of these shots)

Step 3: fold the left corner to the middle of the side opposite to it

Step 4: now take the paper and squash it in your hand

Step 5: now put it back down on you flat surface and pray to the anti-Christ for a bountiful harvest

Step 6: now squeeze it again and exude part of your life force into the paper

Step 7: you're finished! you should now have your vary own drinking cup out of paper that is terrible at holding liquids!

I hope you have enjoyed this post!

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