Tuesday, March 28, 2017

CYOA: Fakes Hoes and BAMFs

I can't tell if I actually enjoy the ending of this novel or not. On one level I am disappointed because Hester and Arthur don't get to run away together and live happily ever after. But then again Hester is a BAMF (Bad ass mother fooper). She is independent and strong in a time and place that tried to keep any women down. The letter that was supposed to weigh her down, but she wore it with her head held high. Perhaps what I enjoy most about this book is the fact that Hester is such a strong character. Considering that this novel was written in the mid-1800s, I find it interesting that anyone would write a female character, let alone a man. I know that not every man of the past was a misogynistic patriarchy (although most were let's be real, it was a phase: a phase that is still making its way out the door but a phase none the less) but you also did not find many men singing praises of women being treated as equal to themselves. So good on you Nat Hawthorne, you my friend get the you're as not scummy as some other people seal of approval.

Now let's talk about our male friends. What the floop. Chillingworth dying did not phase me what so ever. That's a lie, I was THRILLED when that slut bit the dust. I hated that guy, he definitely got what was coming for him. Kinda wish it was a more thrilling death but beggers can't be choosers. But Dimmesdale, damn I could talk about his death forever. First off I have decided Dimmesdale is kinda a scummy snake. He is always like "I am a man of God!" But he still did the do with Hester who he knew had a ring on it. And THEN he lets Hester take the fall, yes I know Hester tries to keep his safe and not tell anyone that

but he could have stepped up and just told everyone anyway. I know he would have been shamed too, but the fact that he watched Hester go through this crap and did NOTHING until right at the end: scum. ALSO after he does step up to the plate and tell everyone that he, in fact, IS THE FA- you know what I'm not going to make that joke anymore, it is dead-- JUST LIKE CHILLINGWORTH AND DIMMESDALE 

but after his little sermon where he outs himself HE FREAKING DIES. BRO DON'T BE A PANSY MAN UP AND FREAKING LIVE WITH THE CONCECUENCES THAT HESTER HAS BEEN LIVING WITH FOR YEARS. Oh was all this a little too much for your POOR FRAGILE PANSY ASS HEART?!?!?!? Ugh okay sorry, I am fine. A little heated, but fine. but for real, right before he dies he rips open his shirt 

No, no. Not like that.


Wow um, yeah actually, that's pretty perfect. If I knew how to use computers I would like photo shop the red mark onto his chest, buuuuuut I don't know how to do dat.

And speaking of that red mark, a little gimmicky to me. "Oh no! I have been soooooo stressed with this internal problem that now I have a rash on my chest that I have been able to him from everyone this whole time and have not suffered any repercussions from my actions!" - Dimmesdale (that is a real quote from the book, don't ask questions)

Hester literally wore a red letter on her dress, FOR YEARS and she is fine. God, flooping pansy.

I guess long story short: love Hester and Pearl, hate Dimmy and Chillingslut.

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