Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Overcoming My Fear of Origami + Tutorial!

So this post is going to need a background. So I know you all are thinking, Georgia, you're afraid of the ancient Japanese art of paper folding? Not so much am I afraid of origami itself, more that it surfaces memories that I would rather forget. So on the last day of school before winter break this year, we did origami in my math class. I had a ton of fun doing it so I decided that I was going to get some origami paper of my own and make more over break! The next day, the first day of break, I drove myself to AC Moore to buy some. I had had my provisional license for about one month by then so I was aloud to drive alone. I spent about 20 minutes in the store strategically picking out my paper and then drove home. When I was about 4 blocks from my house I got in wreck. Some of you that know me may know the details, I honestly don't want to talk about it here so I'll just leave it at it really wasn't my fault. So naturally every time I look at that paper on my desk I just have flashbacks of the wreck.

So todayt while I am trapped in my house due to Snowzilla I have decided to once and for all to destroy my fear of origami. I just went online and looked up instructions for easy folds to start since I had only done it once before. You would think that the first thing I would do is make a bird like a crane. Well I found one for a pelican and tried to do it but miserably failed so there will be no birds I apologize for that. But here is what I made! Enjoy.

So this is a picture of all of my stuff together I am sure you can't tell what any of it is so I'll post individual pictures next.

The first thing I decided to make was a little hat. This one is a Samurai Hat. It was super easy to make and maybe I'll try and make a big one out of news paper like I know that children in Japan do!

This next one is called a Happy Jacket. I believe that it is like a light coat that Japanese people wear to festivals in the summer. I decided to use the smaller more detailed paper that I had that had pretty Japanese patterns on it. I think it turned out pretty cute!

This one is a lantern. I didn't use a patterned piece of paper because I didn't want to waste a piece so now that I successfully made one, I'll make another one with the other paper. This was one of the more difficult ones to make because there was one step at the end that I didn't understand at first but once I figured it out it was pretty easy.

Here is a fan which is just as easy as it was when you made them in grade school. you just keep folding over small sections and you're done! I used a patented paper because I thought it would make it look more like a real fan.

I think that this one it the hardest one to see what it is. It is supposed to be a tea cup. But it's not like a tea cup that we are used to, there is no handle. It is an eastern asian tea cup. I think it's pretty with the patterned paper and it was pretty easy as well.

This last one is my new pride and joy, it was defiantly the most challenging of all the ones I made, but  it was really worth it! This is a Triangle Bowl. The folding itself wasn't hard it was just trying fit them all together. I ended up taping so of the pieces in place so it would't shift around.

So that is all the ones I made, but now I will show you all a tutorial for a drinking cup!

Step 1: start with a square piece of paper

Step 2: fold one corner to the other (idk why I put my phone in some of these shots)

Step 3: fold the left corner to the middle of the side opposite to it

Step 4: now take the paper and squash it in your hand

Step 5: now put it back down on you flat surface and pray to the anti-Christ for a bountiful harvest

Step 6: now squeeze it again and exude part of your life force into the paper

Step 7: you're finished! you should now have your vary own drinking cup out of paper that is terrible at holding liquids!

I hope you have enjoyed this post!

Friday, January 22, 2016

The Kim Kardashian App is Ruining my Life.

This will most likely be the post that I am most ashamed about. First off, the title has a Kardashian name in it and it's not even making fun of them! You know that it is going to be bad already. So as many of you may know Kim K has an app, well two now actually. She has Kimoji which is a $3 emoji app, now you can send all of your friends your emotions through small pictures of Kim, and then after that you won't have any because your friends will realize that you just spent $3 on those and they will see what trash you are and ditch you. And no, surprisingly I am not speaking from personal experience.

Who would actually pay real money for this?!?!

And then there is Kim Kardashian Hollywood. This is the source of my dismay.

So for those of you that don't know of this masterpiece/atrocity that is this "game," let me explain. This game is one of those games that will either suck up all of your time or all of your money or maybe even both. It has an energy system that takes real time to refill. So anytime you want to do anything, you have use your energy. So after you run out you have three options: you can buy for energy, this one is the one that I have never done, ever. Because it's not like you play with your in-game money, no you have to buy them, with real world $$$. Like Kim needs and more money. So in short, I haven't done this and I never will. Next way is by jut waiting. Yeah it's tedious and boring but this is way better to me than spending the money on it. It doesn't really take that long, about 6 mins per energy. And the third and my personal favorite, hitting stuff. Yes I know that sounds odd but it really is the most effective method that does not involve emptying your wallet to the soulless fame suckers that are the Kardashians. There are a few things in each of the places you can go that you can tap every few minutes and there is a chance that energy will pop out, if not you'll get like two bucks. So I pretty much just go around the whole world and tap of shit and hope I get energy.

Now the one problem is that it costs money to fly places or ever drive places, shocking. So first thing you need to do is buy a car. I dropped about 20k on a Kim K brand Range Rover wanna be. Now I am able to travel to all 5 places in SoCal because I am incapable to driving a few hours to places like San Fran and Sacramento. Then if you are like me and really are dedicated to the tap everything method then you will also want to travel around to other states or even countries to find that energy. But traveling all the time will really bust your budget, now it may not be as expensive as real flights but with the small mount of money that you have at all times it can be pretty hard, so you need to save up those K Stars. K Stars is the exclusive type of currency that you only get for completing certain goals or getting 5-Sar ratings on jobs and events. You are going to need 120 of them, which is not easy, in order to really be able to play the game. It took me about a month maybe to save all of them up, that is a testament of how much time I put into this game. And with those 120 K-Stars I bought myself my very own privet jet. Now I can travel to all of my favorite (pre determined by the game and my level) destination for free. Now I can tap stuff as much as I please and it saves me a small fortune so that is nice.

Now I haven't really explained what the basis of the game is so I'll tell you now. It is basically to become famous by being in association with already famous people. Hmmm... sounds awfully familiar. Okay so if you didn't pick up on what I was insinuating in that last sentence that is basically the same way Kim became famous, she was friends with Paris Hilton back in the early 2000s.

It is pretty hard to beleive that there was a time when Kim 
wasn't at the top of the bitch tower.

Well I mean she really became famous after she released that sex tape, but I am still waiting for that to be one of the quests in the game. But essentially I started out working at this boutique in Downtown LA and then suddenly Kim walks into my store and is all like, "I need a new dress!" So I pick out a dress for her and the when she tries to pay for it I tell her it's on me. WHAT?!?!?!?!?! I didn't have a choice in that and when I read it I almost cried because it's not like Kim could't have bought that dress she is loaded af! So then she is like, "Hey you're pretty cool stranger I just met and don't know anything about, wanna come to some event with me?" So naturally I say yes so then I roll up to this event and this guy tries to get with me cause I am with Kim but I shut him down like a boss. Then after it is over, I walk outside and and this bitch named Willow Pape is all like, "I heard you were trying to get with my ex. I will end you."

You're calling me #ratchet? Have you looked in a merrier? Push bitch.

So now I have my celebrity rival. The rest of the game is just me going to dinner or lunch or a magazine cover and just showing up to things and gaining fans for really not doing anything.

After about a month of playing the game I climbed my way from E list to A list. Willow tried to destroy me but she never succeeded. She still tries to compete with me and she is still on the C list, ha. I git married during my month climb from the bottom and I have to say, worst decision I ever made. Not only did I have to spend like $35,000 but also 5 K-Stars. Sure I gained a ton of fans but now my manager and publicist are always calling me about doing things with my husband that have a time limit on them and it is sooooo annoying. So really regret that.

I have also met many notable people in my climb to fame. Kris, Kourtney, Khloe, Kendall, Kylie, and... Nene Leakes from Real Housewives of Atlanta? I don't know what that is all about but she sure is in the game and is apparently a "great friend" of Kim.

This is just odd to me.

And I think the worst part of this game is that I don't understand why I love it so much. I seriously have no interest in being famous but I can't put the game down! Maybe it's because of Willow. I am really good at holding grudges and she through down the gauntlet so I will retaliate. I will not stop until I watch Willow burn under a liposuction scandal in Star Magazine!

Basically don't play this game unless you you wanna end up like me: crazy.

So now I shall say good buy because I have to go check to see if I have enough energy to do a gig.

So from Nathaniel (my husband) and me, see ya later.


From the picture above you can see that I have about $21k and I have about 20 million fans. WTF I am famous I should have waaaaay more money than that!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Is Han Coming Back?

Okay so I am going to start off with a disclaimer, THIS CONTAINS A S@%T TON OF SPOILERS!   So if you haven't seen the Force Awakens and don't want spoilers for the movie don't read this post. Okay disclaimer over.

So I recently saw The Force Awakens and I can just tell you right off the bat that it was great. I loved it, and you should too. Okay so maybe not that second part but I personally enjoyed it a lot. So I am going to assume that most of you reading this will have seen the movie already so I will not be giving a synopsis here, if you want one look it up and then come back, or not, you really don't need to. So anyways long story short the most important part of the movie, even though I know it wasn't meant to be, was when Han died at the hand of his own son. He tires to sway Kylo to come back with him and live a live in the light. Apparently Kylo is a super good actor because his little sob story about how he doesn't know how to live a life of anything other than evil totally fools Han. He then proceeds so impale him with his awesome inverted cross lightsaber.

Han caresses Kylo's face before falling down the huge ass pit that was conveniently there. I wanted to insert a gif of this happening but the movie is too new for any picture let alone gifs to be out so I will show you how me and every other diehard fan of Star Wars felt once this had gone down.

To say the least we were not fine.

So I am sure there are at least a few hopefuls that thought that at the end of the movie or maybe later in the next few movies that will be coming out, Han would magically reappear alive and well. I was kind of hoping so too. But once I got home I had an epiphany. There is no way that he could cannonly come back. And no it's not because he was impaled with a lightsaber or that there is no place in the story for that to happen because his death was part of the reason Ray was able to accept the force, no it's because of the pit.

"The pit?" I hear you all saying. Yes the pit. If you have ever noticed but most important deaths of main characters always happen conveniently around a pit. Everyone thought that Annikin was dead but no he was imply burned alive by lava, that is apparently survivable, but falling down a pit is not. I will show you example if you are still skeptical.

Darth Maul

So Darth Maul was arguably the best thing in the atrocity that was The Phantom Menace, besides Qui-Gon Jinn. He was and has been one of the coolest evil people in all of the series, but now that Kylo has come around, he has some competition. But anyways he fall victim to Obi Wan's rage after Maul kills Qui-Gon *cri.* It's a pretty cool death, he gets cut in half and then... falls down a pit. Does he come back? No. Need more? I'll give you more.

Emperor Palpatine

Palatine who is one of the only three/four (if you count Vader/Anakin) characters to appear in both the original trilogy and the prequels. He is the only one that is evil in both, and as you can see, the longer you are evil, the more creepy you look.

Like seriously look how creepy he looks compared to how he used to look.

Anyways, Vader desides to save Luke from old lighting hands by throwing him down a... you guessed it pit. I mean this one is the one that I can see an argument against my theory for. Palpatine doesn't really have a chance to come back because the movie ends like 5 minutes later but still.

Boba Fett

So this is probably the least exciting death, which is kinds sad for Boba Fett because people seems to love Boba. Han literally is still temporarily blind after coming out of the carbonite and he accidentally shoots Boba Fett and he falls into the Sarlack pit. This is the farthest stretch as far the term pit goes in the post. But the word "pit" is in the name so I am going to stick it in here.

So long story short, in the Star Wars universe pits = your favorite important characters who fell into them are not coming back. And that should include Han. I am sure there are a few other characters that have also suffered the pit fate that I haven't listed here because I couldn't remember them. But I think that these three deaths are enough to at least make you consider my theory.

So goodbye Han, I wish it has been Luke and not you because he is a little bitch and you were so much better but that is a rant for another day. 

Also side note, Mark Hammel was the second person listed in the credits and he was literally in the movie for like five minutes and he doesn't even speak. He just stands on the top of the big hill and stares at Ray and the lightsaber. WTF.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

NFL Wildcard Picks are Some of the Most Disappointing Games I have Ever Seen

So as most of you (Americans) know it is one of the most exiting times of the year. The new year only means one thing for real Americans, and that's football. So yah the season has been going on for like 4 months or so now but this is the climax of it all. I'm more of a college girl myself (LSU! LSU! LSU!) But if you know me I will watch pretty much watch any "sport" that ESPN of other networks will play. Football, soccer, tennis, baseball, archery, skiing, golf, gymnastics, ice skating, ice dancing (there is a difference look it up you uncultured swine), rugby, basketball, cricket, cheerleading, swimming, equestrienne things, water polo, even poker which I really don't find to be a sport but I won't judge. To say the least, I love watching sports. Key word "watch" because I can't even walk up two flights of stairs without becoming winded.

The NFL playoffs are where the best of the best go head to head on the road to the Superbowl. So you would think that these would be some pretty sweet games, and they usually are. This weekend has been the Wildcard pick games and they have been less than satisfactory. Now my number one team isn't in the playoffs, they are terrible to say the least. So it's not like I have an attachment to any particular team, I just watch them because I want to watch a good game. I have not yet gotten that. So I shall now explain to you why gripes with the NFL Playoff games so far.

Chiefs @ Texans

So to kick off this football packed weekend we have two teams which I am particularly fond of, something that you will not be seeing again. I like the Kansas City Chiefs because I really like Andy Reid and what he has done with the team. Now as far as the Texans go, you might be thinking "But Georgia you hate Texas, and everything about it, ESPECIALLY their sports teams." And you would be right, I do hat Texas, not going to go into that but as far as the sports teams go I have always hated the Cowboys I don't really know that many people that do like them. I never really thought much of the Texans, but then I watched "Hardknocks" and I don't think there is one person who watched that season and didn't end up liking the Texans, or at least JJ Watts. 

So I just want to watch a good game and I think I am because both teams have been doing well this year. This game has the simplest reason I was not happy. The Chiefs DESTROYED the Texans. 30-0. It was painful, it was like the Texans walked into that game wanting to loose. I guess if this had been a team that I really did't like it would have been different but it was just a terrible game in my opinion.

Stealers @ Bangles

As far as the teams go I feel indifferent towards the Bangles, never really thought much of them. But I HATE the Stealers, mostly I hate their quarterbacks. I have always hated Ben Roethlisberger because he raped someone and then didn't get any time behind bars for it. And now they also have the ex-Philadelphia Eagle quarterback Michael Vick who did dog fighting, and although he got some time behind bars I don't think it was enough. So you can guess who I was rooting for in this game.

So this game was going pretty standard as far as football games go the Stealers were winning until the beginning of the 4th quarter. Ben got sacked and landed pretty hard on his throwing shoulder (which is now revealed to be separated) and was taken out. This must have raised the Bangle's spirit because they scored a touchdown putting them in the lead by one. Ben ended up coming back in (much to my disappointment) and started to gain some yards back. It was the last 30 seconds of the game and the Stealers are down by one and about 60 yards away, everyone thought it was done, but then the unthinkable happened two penalties both resulting in 15 yards for the Stealers. The first one on Burfiet for a hit on a defenseless Brown resulting in a personal, but the worst was the second one. Adam Jones threw a punch at a Stealers coach as they went to check on Brown who was down after the hit by Burfiet. This was ridiculous. There is nothing bad I have to say about Burfiet that kind of thing happens all the time, whatever. But Jones had less than a minute left and he just couldn't hold it together. It was ridiculous. They showed Jones crying and saying that he really feels that it is his fault, well it was so I feel no sympathy. And now you hear him talking about how it was a bad call by the refs and that it's their fault they lost, bullshit. That call was fine and it was right so suck it up and realize that you are the one that fucked your team over. 

Seahawks @ Vikings

I find that the Vikings are one of the most irrelevant teams ever. I never really cared about them and Brett Farve was and is the bane of my existence. But much like the Stealers, I hate the Seahawks. They beat my team, the Saints, every time they play them so this time I wanted the Vikings to win. Sadly once again the team I wanted to win lost and again it was for a stupid reason.

There were like 20 seconds left on the clock and the Vikings are down by 1. They are taking a 28 year field goal attempt as a last ditch effort to salvage a mediocre game. 28 yards, you would think that it's virtually impossible to miss that unless some player on the Seahawks could miraculously block the kick. But no, he missed. Pitiful. I have heard some people talk about how it was really cold it it made it way harder to kick. Okay to be fair it was cold as a witch's tit in winter but it only got warmer as the game went on. It was -3 at the end of the game and it started at like -6. So that might not be that much of a rise but I did watch the same guy kick a field goal from like 40 yards when it was colder so that argument is invalid. 

Packers @ Redskins

And here we have the home team, the Skins. The Skins have never been my team by the time I really stated getting into football, Zorn and Shanahan were around and I really didn't like them so... But now I really like Gruden and I love Cousins and the Redskins haven't really been this good in awhile so I'm gonna go with them on this one.

This game is the one that I have the least complaints about. It was a pretty good game. The Skins right off the back get a safety off of Rogers and it was back and forth up until about half way into the 3rd. It really just fell apart. Maybe it was the Redskins playing bad, the Packers playing well, or both but there isn't anything that was super cringe worthy.

So in all we can see that it seems that whoever I am cheering for seems to lose. But they were also pretty bad games so...

Looking forward I can say that there is really only one scenario that would make me destroy the world.

Georgia's worst case scenario Superbowl 50 match up:

As you can see I also hate the Pats. None of these teams need anymore rings, and if any of these two match ups do happen I will probably destroy the world.

I will now leave you with this amazing piece of art I found while finding the pictures for this post.

Yes, this is Aaron Rogers on a unicorn. No, I am not sorry.



This One is for all My Geeks Out There, You Too Can Do it.

So I am sure that most of you have seen the Just Do It motivational video by Shia LaBeouf. For those of you that haven't, WHAT THE F&#@ GET ON IT. Anyways, there have been a slew of spoofs of this piece of art (some that are better than others). But because the new Star Wars movie (which I still haven't seen so don't spoil it for me our I will f you up) recently came out I thought that this would be appropriate.

Yes, this is Shia in place of Obi Wan right before he meets Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back. I think my favorite part of this whole video is how well it lines up, like it is honestly kind of scary. I want to meet the mind that at some point was just like, "You know what? Shia is the perfect replacement for Obi Wan." This person is a god. So for all of you out there who don't think that you can do it, you can. Because Luke did.

And so as my parting words I will say to you,

"Yesterday you said tomorrow."
